Mega-Fat 88

More milk fat.

Mega fat 88 pack product detail

Mega-Fat 88 contains a high-proportion of the C16 fatty acids (88%) (the building blocks of fat) proven to increase milk fat production, with additional energy supplied from other fatty acids.

This product is a unique formulation to Volac Wilmar with almost exclusively high-melting point fatty acids to help ensure rumen-protection of the fat and improve product stability.

Features and Benefits

  • High-C16 (palmitic) fatty acids (88%)
  • Increases milk fat %
  • Unique formulation
  • Rumen-protected
  • Not fermented in the rumen – energy without risk of acidosis

Feed Rates

  • Lactating cows 300-600 g/head/day
  • Beef cattle 150-300 g/head/day
  • Sheep & Goats 40-80 g/head/day

Mega-Fat 88 should be mixed with other ingredients in the diet and can be included as part of a total mixed ration, blend or compound pellet.



Available in 25kg bags and 650kg mini-bulk bags.